Wednesday, May 26, 2010

唐詩欣賞 --李白 靜夜思

We have studied t the most popular Chinese quatrain. It is by Li Bai of the Tang dynasty. The title is "Thoughts in the Still of the Night" . In English, It means:

床前明月光      I saw the moonbeams play before my bed
疑是地上霜     And wonder if that can be frost on the  
举头望明月      I raise my head, look at the silvery moon— 
低头思故乡      I bow my head, think of my home

Your homework for the weekend 
  1. Translate the English meaning into Chinese.(Type it on blog)
  2. Record it in Voice thread. The recording process first----read the poem then provide the Chinese translation)
for example:  静夜思---唐李白    床前明月光疑是地上霜 ...( before read the poems state the title and author) .Then provide your explanation for the poems. 这首诗的意思是说,秋天的晚上, 我在床前看到...........