Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Grammar point:---------The reduplication of verbs

Today's homework - Create  5 sentences use the grammar structure above.Describe details for the event.
For example:
试试(看吧!):今天我跟妈妈去商店买衣服, 我看上一件红色的连衣裙. 妈妈说:"试试看,合适不合适?"

What should I wear to.......?

今天的功课是替自己找一套外出的衣服. 记住要使用对的量词.  Today's homework-pick a outfit for yourself to an event, then tell us what event it is?Make sure you use the correct measure words for clothes items .
  1. jiàn classifier for clothes
  2. 条tiáoclassifier for long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc)
  3. 双 Shuāngclassifier for two / double / pair ( shoes, socks, hands, chopsticks)
  4. 顶dǐng Classifier for head wear, hats, veils etc