Thursday, February 11, 2010

Chinese New Year 中国春节3

圣诞节是美国一年中最重要的节日, 春节是中国一年中最重要的节日,这两个节日有什么相同和不同的地方呢?看下面的图片按顺序写下两个节日相同和不同的地方.


By the way, you will have to create a project for Chinese New Year during the winter break in a week's time. The project will include:

  1. One legend relating to Chinese New Year such as the 12 Zodiac symbols, " Nian" , fire crackers etc.  
  2. How does your family celebrate Chinese New Year?  
  3. Which custom of Chinese New Year do you like the most, and why?  
  4. Compare Chinese New Year and Christmas.  
  5. Write a short journal over the Chinese New Year period, describing what you did, what you ate and where you went. 
  6. 你家买不买年货?

Chinese New Year 中国春节 2

The second activity for Chinese New Year is to create your Spring couplet (see greeting cards below). This year the Chinese New Year falls on the same day of Valentine's Day.You can pick either Valentine's Day or Chinese New Year as a topic for your Spring couplet. 
第二个春节活动是做一个春联. 今年的中国春节跟西洋的情人节刚刚好是同一天, 你可以选择做春联或者情人卡.