Wednesday, December 2, 2009


读以下这篇文章,然后讨论一下你喜欢收到钱,还是礼物呢?为什么? 还有在中国, 送什么礼物最吉利? 什么礼物不吉利?

From the previous exercise, some of you said that you prefer to receive money while some said that you would rather have a gift. Read the article below and see what types of gifts are acceptable in China and which are considered bad luck or in poor taste:

Say in a paragraph whether you would rather have money or a gift and why. If you can think of other gifts that are in poor taste that were not mentioned in the article above then please tell us all about them!

  1. 下个星期 (Next week)   这个星期 (This week)   上个星期 ( Last week)
  2. 打算 suàn  to plan
  3. 听说过  To hear said     听 someone说过 ( to hear someone said it before)
  4. 吉利  lucky                       在中国,红色是吉利的顏色.
  5. 还没+ V + 好  have not...  还没想好(买什么),  还没写好(功课), 还没做好(饭) 

Article: Learn Chinese with me Book3