Sunday, February 28, 2010


These illustrations show some activities  that are traditional to the celebration of the Lantern Festival. Today homework-- write captions for each picture below.
The vocabulary for Lantern festival:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Weekend Journal

请写一段小文描述你的朋友跟你借东西或钱, 但是不还你 或 沒有还你的经验.
你也可以参考下面图片的situations 来编故事(Make up a story). 还有参考Sentences for Reference里的句子.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Optative verb( 能愿动词): 要, 想, 应该 ,得, 能, 可以, 会

We studied Optival Verbs ( 能愿动词néng​ yuàn ​dòng​ cí​) today. Please take a look of the grammar point below and make  one sentence for each Optative verb

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

借 还是不借?

今天我们学了新的单字  " 借" jiè/  to lend / to borrow 的语法.今天的作业 :你会借什么东西给别人? 


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Chinese New Year 中国春节3

圣诞节是美国一年中最重要的节日, 春节是中国一年中最重要的节日,这两个节日有什么相同和不同的地方呢?看下面的图片按顺序写下两个节日相同和不同的地方.


By the way, you will have to create a project for Chinese New Year during the winter break in a week's time. The project will include:

  1. One legend relating to Chinese New Year such as the 12 Zodiac symbols, " Nian" , fire crackers etc.  
  2. How does your family celebrate Chinese New Year?  
  3. Which custom of Chinese New Year do you like the most, and why?  
  4. Compare Chinese New Year and Christmas.  
  5. Write a short journal over the Chinese New Year period, describing what you did, what you ate and where you went. 
  6. 你家买不买年货?

Chinese New Year 中国春节 2

The second activity for Chinese New Year is to create your Spring couplet (see greeting cards below). This year the Chinese New Year falls on the same day of Valentine's Day.You can pick either Valentine's Day or Chinese New Year as a topic for your Spring couplet. 
第二个春节活动是做一个春联. 今年的中国春节跟西洋的情人节刚刚好是同一天, 你可以选择做春联或者情人卡.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chinese New Year 中国春节

中国春节就快到了, 我们即将开始学习跟春节有关俗.关于中国的春节 , 第一个要知道的就是十二只代表每个中国年的动物, 我们一般叫 "十二生肖 ".
It will soon be Chinese New Year and so we're going to be studying the festival in class. One of the first things to know about Chinese New Year is the signs of the Zodiac which are used in sequence to name each year. This year is the year of the Tiger. They're all below!

Also you can ask someone's age in Chinese without offending them by using "你属什么?" instead of "你几岁?"  

The first activity for Chinese New Year is to answer the questions below
  1. 你家买不买年货
  2. 买什么年货
  3. 平常都是谁买年货
  4. 去哪里买

如果你家不买年货不过中新年,请写下一般中国人是如何庆祝中国新年?过年时他们有什么传统chuán​tǒng tradition / 习俗xí​sú custom?他们会做什么特别tè​bié special 的事?吃什么特别的食物shí​wù /food?這些習俗跟你自己家的节日,比如聖誕有什相同和不同的地方?

Sunday, February 7, 2010


你参加过婚礼吗?回忆一下你参加婚礼的情景,婚礼有什么特别的摆设?还有新郎新郎穿什麼衣服呢?你可以參考下面的短文, 还有我们今天在课堂上学的语法" 著"

Grammar point:

Saturday, February 6, 2010

weekend journal-shopping experience 购物经验

这个星期的周记,请描写买衣服的经验?你平常都去什么地方买衣服? 跟谁去?你喜欢买什么样式(style)什么顏色的衣服?你最近一次买衣服是什么时候?除了买衣服,你还做了什么?你可以參考下面的短文. You can type here or write it on the journal book.
同屋=室友= roommate
合适hé​shì  suitable / fitting 
专卖店  zhuān​mài​diànspecialty store
世界名牌shì​jiè míng ​pái world famous brand
阿迪达斯Ā​dí​dá​sī​  Adidas
锐步Ruì​bù Reebok

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Today's homework is a guessing game. Pick a classmate and describe his or her appearance and clothes, using the grammar structure we have studied. Don't give away his or her name, and every will try to guess the person you picked. You can take a look of the picture below.Have fun!
今天的功课是猜猜看游戏.选一个同学,用我们今天学到的文法, 描述他的长相, 还有他穿的衣服.不要把他的名字写出来,让大家一起猜猜看.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


We studied Chapter 13 Language in use (in dialogue form) and Supplementary Practice (short essay based on the dialogue) in class today. Similarly, write a short essay  based on the dialogue below:( or You can make up your own story too!---Look at Lily's story!)

You can start the essay like this: 李大龙和李小龙是双胞胎兄弟.他们去购物中心逛街.他们想买两件大号的.....

  1. 双胞胎 (twin) shuāng​bāo​tāi
  2. 兄弟 xiōng​dì(brotherly)
  Try to use the grammar points
  1. 或者 
  2. 试试 穿穿 看看
  3. 觉得----比较----
  4. 先.....然后 
  5. 最后

    Tuesday, February 2, 2010

    Grammar point:---------The reduplication of verbs

    Today's homework - Create  5 sentences use the grammar structure above.Describe details for the event.
    For example:
    试试(看吧!):今天我跟妈妈去商店买衣服, 我看上一件红色的连衣裙. 妈妈说:"试试看,合适不合适?"

    What should I wear to.......?

    今天的功课是替自己找一套外出的衣服. 记住要使用对的量词.  Today's homework-pick a outfit for yourself to an event, then tell us what event it is?Make sure you use the correct measure words for clothes items .
    1. jiàn classifier for clothes
    2. 条tiáoclassifier for long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc)
    3. 双 Shuāngclassifier for two / double / pair ( shoes, socks, hands, chopsticks)
    4. 顶dǐng Classifier for head wear, hats, veils etc